Friday, June 6

On site, for the first time!

Yesterday was an eventful day. Hot though. Very hot.

Phil, John and I went out to Egret's Cove, which is the intentional community where John's earthbag house is going to be. There are about 4 houses there already and a few land plots still up for grabs, I believe. I got to see John's site for the first time. It's in a very wooded area, near another house. There's not much of a clearing- really just enough for the actual house- which I think will make the building process interesting... I liked seeing the site- I feel like everyday I'm getting more and more comfortable with all this.

We headed up Big Hill to the stone quarry to get several buckets of lime for some test bag mixes. We borrowed a truck, so Phil rode in the back. On the way up, John told me the story of his grandson's birth a few days ago. His daughter had delivered at home and John wasn't supposed to be there since he "wasn't the right gender." John sat on the porch and "called the spirits of women"- all the women he could think of. It was a nice story. I like John.

I don't know how to deal with getting reimbursed. I need to buy my tools. I also bought gas yesterday. I really don't know how to deal with this gas thing- I use the car a little for my own personal use as well... I guess I could start keeping track of milage? I don't know...

Nothing to do today except read. I've been doing a lot of that lately. Which may be part of why I'm getting more comfortable with the process- I'm learning.

(I still can't find my camera. Phil took pictures. He said he'd send them to me, so I'll post them as soon as I can.)

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